Don Mills Crossing

In November, 2017, ASI was contracted by the City of Toronto to conduct a Cultural Heritage Resource Assessment (C.H.R.A.) to ensure that properties of cultural heritage value or interest were appropriately identified, understood, and conserved as part of an up-to-date planning framework for the Don Mills and Eglinton area. A write-up of the project can […]

Don Mills

A Bold Vision between The Forks How Modern Design Helped Shape a Community’s Character Don Mills Crossing is a unique place within the City of Toronto, featuring an expansive, iconic modernist architecture. Created in answer to the growing Toronto population during the post-war period, Don Mills and Flemingdon Park developments were designed as complete neighbourhoods […]

Hazley Bay Stone Culvert

A Cultural Heritage Evaluation was conducted as part of a CPR Bridge replacement in the Township of Laurentian Valley. The culvert was constructed circa 1876 as part of the Canada Central Railway line connecting the Town of Pembroke with Ottawa and Brockville.

Edwards Gardens

A Heritage Impact and Cultural Landscape Assessment was conducted in advance of proposed alterations to Edwards Gardens, a 14-hectare public garden in North York that is owned by the City of Toronto.

Public Communications in the Ontario CRM Industry

In Ontario’s Cultural Resource Management industry, we are experiencing a profound change in how we communicate with the public. Where once we relied on newspapers, academic journals, and museums to disseminate our knowledge, we can now communicate directly with the public through social media. This change has led to new questions about what information we […]

Exploring Time: Considering Heritage as the Fourth Dimension of Environmental Assessment

The assessment of cultural heritage, including archaeological resources, built heritage, and cultural landscapes, provides an important historical perspective on past environments and human ecology. Heritage is also inherently predisposed to regional strategic EA approaches, given its fundamental concern with human landscapes, past and present. This presentation will explore various ways that heritage assessments can integrate […]

Policies, Regulations and Projects for Promoting Large Landscape Conservation

This presentation will focus on the intersection between regulations, guidelines and policies that help foster a culture of conservation by looking at the Credit River Valley in the Province of Ontario. The Credit River flows from headwaters above the Niagara Escarpment and drains down into Lake Ontario at Port Credit. It has, and continues to […]

Policy Planning For Managing Cultural Heritage Landscapes: A Case Study

Policy Planning for Managing Cultural Heritage Landscape Rebecca Sciarra Lauren Archer

In 2016, ASI’s Cultural Heritage Division prepared a Cultural Heritage Landscape Feasibility Study on the Mohawk Canal and Alfred Watts Hydro Generating Station Ruins for the City of Brantford. ASI recommended that the City protect this multi-component landscape with a rich, complex history as a significant Cultural Heritage Landscape and as a part of an Official Plan […]

Hockey as a Cultural Heritage Landscape

Hockey fulfills a lot of roles in Canada: It’s a sport, a past-time, a form of entertainment, and, frequently, a symbol for nationhood and identity. Hockey could also be recognized as an evolved continuing cultural heritage landscape, one that retains an active social role in contemporary society. The origins of hockey are very closely tied […]

The Future of Heritage in Ontario

Private sector cultural heritage evaluation, protection, and management in Ontario exist at the nexus of academic theory, legislative direction, and land-use planning. Heritage work in this context follows a conservation approach to mitigate the loss of identified resources due to urban and infrastructure development. Ideally, the process balances ‘expert knowledge’ with regular and protracted engagement […]