
What a year we have had! Come along with us and relive some of our favourite moments from 2024. We love documenting the amazing heritage, beautiful wildlife, and the wonderful people that we work with. We hope that you love getting a peek into our worlds too! Join us in voting for your favorites in...
A blog by our founder, Ron Williamson I now spend some of my time publishing the results of past ASI projects with which I was involved, a task consistent with one of the core values of the company, which is to disseminate the results of our work. In this case I was also motivated by...
It’s that time of year again! As the screens are folded, the shovels stowed, cameras tucked away in their bags, everyone’s toes are about to be toasty warm in their slippers at home and the field season is coming to a close… which means it’s time for our Field Photo Contest! Join us in voting...
When you think about CRM archaeological work, you likely imagine a crew out in the sunshine, digging, troweling, and screening away in their Hi-Vis vests. But there are a lot of other people in CRM working tirelessly behind the scenes to allow those excavations to happen! Our equipment team is responsible for keeping the gear...
We are lucky to have fantastic staff who have taken stunning photos across our 2022 Field Season! This year is our 7th year running our Field Photo Contest which brings to light the incredible landscapes, wonderful wildlife, and onsite comradery! The photos are organized into four categories: Fieldwork, Above Ground Heritage, Artifacts, and Nature. lease...
2021 has been a year filled with amazing projects, all documented by the talented photographers we have on staff! This is our sixth year running this contest to give our amazing employees their due. The photos are organized into four categories: Above Ground Heritage, Fieldwork, Artifacts, and Nature.  Make sure you scroll down right to...
For National Indigenous People’s Day, we are highlighting the artistry of beads that we have recovered from Indigenous archaeological sites and celebrating the innovative beading of contemporary Indigenous artists. After sharing the careful craftsmanship and manufacturing process of excavated beads, we will be profiling four inspiring Indigenous artists who are finding new meaning in their...
A Detailed Ceramic Analysis of the Sidey-Mackey Site The Sidey-Mackay site is a Tionontaté village that dates to approximately 1580 and is located close to present-day Creemore, Ontario. This was once the home of several hundred people who built longhouses, cultivated the land to grow the three sisters, and created beautiful objects including ceramic vessels....
It’s that time of year again when we admire all of the amazing photographers we have on staff! We hope you enjoy this little glimpse into the world of archaeologists and cultural heritage workers. In the last four years we have had such a wealth of great photos, that this year we decided to organize...
The Challenges of Curating Early Plastic Artifacts in Archaeological Collections Earlier this fall we pulled a small archaeological collection out of our archive only to discover a minor disaster. An artifact made from an early form of plastic was beginning to decompose, releasing gas into the rest of the collection. The result was a fragmented...