January at ASI!
Presenting a roundup of all the stories, photos and projects that got us excited this month! We had a busy start to the year! January found us putting out the call for field technicians for this spring, seeing our research hit mainstream publications, and participating in a fun photo challenge! Carbonized seeds that we […]
October at ASI!
Presenting a roundup of all the stories, photos and projects that got us excited this month! October found us presenting at conferences, getting into the Halloween spirit, and looking back at cannabis in the archaeological record for Legalization Day. We love getting into the Halloween spirit here at ASI! We took some spooky group photos […]
September at ASI
Presenting a roundup of all the stories, photos and projects that got us excited this month! September found us opening up our office as part of Doors Open Burlington, which was a great experience! We had over a hundred people stop by and visit us in our new, expanded office. Our office display included historical […]
August at ASI
Presenting a roundup of all the stories, photos and projects that got us excited this month. August has found us getting outside, having picnics, celebrating our dogs, and teaching some great kids about archaeology! This month we got on board the Ontario Parks #30x30challenge which invites everyone to spend 30 minutes outside for 30 days straight. […]
July at ASI!
Presenting a monthly roundup of all the stories, photos and projects that got us excited this month. July has found us trying to escape the heat, answering questions through the Ask An Archaeologist hashtag, and learning about ancient bread! Ask An Archaeologist is a new concept that grew out of the heritage community in […]
June at ASI!
Presenting a monthly roundup of all the stories, photos and projects that got us excited this month. Can you believe that the year is half over? June has found us celebrating good weather, hitting important work milestones, and National Indigenous Peoples Day! Julia Herbst and Carolyn Kennedy from Texas A&M University have been studying […]