Landscape of Nations: Beyond the Mist

The Niagara Parks Commission, in association with Plenty Canada, published Landscape of Nations: Beyond the Mist, a 256-page coffee table book featuring works from 17 authors, numerous photographers, mapmakers and artists, that chronicles the history of Indigenous peoples who have lived within the Niagara region for some 13,000 years. This anthology reveals an unprecedented examination […]

Settlement Change, Urbanism, and Human and Environment Interaction at Lamanai and Ka’kabish: Two Precolumbian Maya sites in Northern Belize.

This book offers us new data about Lamanai and Ka’kabish, two Ancient Maya sites that thrived during the collapse of the Southern Lowlands in the Late to Terminal Classic periods (AD 650-1000). Introducing an interesting and innovative method (relative-risk surface) to analyse changes in Ancient Maya settlements over time. Provides a much-needed synthesis of the […]

Bones of the Ancestors

In 1997, an Iroquoian ossuary dating to the thirteenth century containing the remains of at least 87 people was accidentally discovered in Toronto. The pit was excavated and recorded. Detailed mapping of the skeletal remains led to a reconstruction of the method and sequence of placing the bodies within the ossuary. Analyses of the bones […]

Death At Snake Hill – Secrets From a War of 1812 Cemetery

Published by Dundurn Press (1993), this is a popular account of a contemporary archaeological project, the story of the skeletons it uncovered and a revealing parable of the conflicts that arise when pressures for land development collide with heritage conservation. This book is available from ASI.

Government on Fire

Government on Fire presents a lively account of the discovery and delineation of an important historical and archaeological site for Toronto and beyond. It also suggests some lessons for urban planners and heritage conservationists, who may imagine that there is little left of the more distant past within the complex and intertwined history of institutional […]

Legacy of Stone

Co-authored by Ron Williamson and Rob MacDonald, and published in association with the Buffalo and Fort Erie Public Bridge Authority and eastendbooks. Legacy of Stone was the winner of the Ontario Archaeological Society (OAS) Peggy Armstrong Public Archaeology Award. It traces for the general public our work at the complex and rich Peace Bridge Site in […]

Taming the Taxonomy

Taming the Taxonomy is the published proceedings of the 1997 joint Ontario Archaeological Society and Midwestern Archaeological Conference symposium. This publication, which was co-edited by Chris Watts and Ron Williamson, was a joint venture between eastendbooks and the OAS.

The Archaeology of Bruce Trigger: Theoretical Empiricism

Published by McGill-Queen’s University Press in 2006, The Archaeology of Bruce Trigger is edited by Ronald F. Williamson and Michael S. Bisson and provides the reader with a chance to view how one of the world’s most influential archaeologists impacted his students, his peers and his discipline.

The Archaeology of the Parsons Site: A Fifty Year Perspective

In the late 1980s, there arose an opportunity to address the lack of published data on the Parsons site, when a proposed watermain route threatened the site. In order to mitigate the impacts that the project would cause, Archaeological Services Inc. was retained by The Metropolitan Works Department, Engineering Division to conduct excavations. This report […]