Government on Fire

Frank Dieterman and Ron Williamson

Government on Fire presents a lively account of the discovery and delineation of an important historical and archaeological site for Toronto and beyond. It also suggests some lessons for urban planners and heritage conservationists, who may imagine that there is little left of the more distant past within the complex and intertwined history of institutional and industrial development in the cores of our cities.

Government on Fire is available from Chapters, Indigo, or through the publisher eastendbooks.


“On Fire (a summary of the detailed technical report) is a blow-by-blow historical-archaeological account of the discovery of Upper Canada’s first Parliament buildings, a story ranging from planning to discovery…
On Fire, which occasionally takes the time to explain general archaeological principals (like stratigraphy), is written for a lay audience; teachers will find it an excellent supplementary text in method and technique, particularly for undergraduate courses.”
(Richard A. Fox, from American Antiquity Volume 69 Number 1 January 2004)