New Insights Into Early Paleo (Gainey) Associations with Proboscideans and Canids in the Niagara Peninsula, Southern Ontario, Canada

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
Ronald F. Williamson (ASI), Peter L. Storck (Royal Ontario Museum), Danielle A. Macdonald (The Unversity of Tulsa), Cam Walker (University of Wyoming), John L. Fagan (Archaeological Investigations Northwest Inc), Andrea Carnevale (ASI), Andrew Stewart (Strata Consulting Ltd), Peter H. von Bitter (Royal Ontario Museum), Robert I. MacDonald (ASI)
The Journal of Archaeological Science

This paper presents the results of protein residue and use-wear analyses on stone tools recovered during complete salvage excavations of the Mt. Albion West archaeological site, located in the Niagara Peninsula of Southern Ontario, Canada. Mt. Albion West is an Early Paleo (Gainey) locality that yielded evidence of four activity foci and dozens of Early Paleo stone tools including one complete and several partial fluted bifaces. Organic residue analyses and use-wear data obtained from several tools indicate Early Paleo associations with proboscideans and canids.

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