Factory Slip: Encrustation

Vessels: Holloware (mugs, pitchers/jugs, bowl and chamber pots.

Encrusted factory slip fragment
Encrusted factory slip fragment from William Joyce site in Halton Hills.

Some forms of ceramic vessels exhibiting different surfaces were produced using small dried pieces of clay in several colours. The clay bits were pressed into a solid colour slip field, producing the encrusted look. Sometimes a lathe, a machine that rotates an object on its axis, was used to smooth the vessel’s surface. This technique produced a finely-grained granite-like design. This technique has also been referred to as “encrusted ware” (Towner 1963:47-48).



Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum, Diagnostic Artifacts of Maryland 2002: http://www.jefpat.org/diagnostic/post-colonial%20ceramics/diptwares/DiptWaresIntroduction.htm

Towner, Donal, 1963. The Leeds Pottery. Corey, Adams & Mackay, London.