The Myers Road Site: Archaeology of the Early to Middle Iroquoian Transition

Ronald F Williamson (Editor)

Available through the London Chapter of the Ontario Archaeological Society. This volume represents an analysis of the settlement, subsistence and artifactual data recovered by Archaeological Services Inc. at a late thirteenth through early fourteenth century Iroquoian site in Cambridge, Ont.


“Perhaps the most significant aspect of the Myers Road publication is that it was done by a private consulting firm, Archaeological Services Inc. In the past, projects of this scale that were carried through to publication were done by public institutions of one sort or another – universities, museums, or government agencies. In fact, it is conventional archaeological wisdom that private consultants, hampered by limited time and resources, and perhaps somewhat removed from the academic world and its concerns, are incapable of producing thorough publications of their major projects…The Myers Road report is welcome evidence to the contrary…this level of activity bespeaks a corporate ethic that values synthesis and publication as an integral part of consulting.”
(Dr. Michael Spence, from the Preface)