Organizational Complexity in Ancestral Wendat Communities

From Prehistoric Villages to Cities: Settlement Aggregation and Community Transformation (Routledge Studies in Archaeology) Jennifer Birch, Ed.
Jennifer Birch and Ronald F. Williamson

During the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, the Northern Iroquioan societies of northeastern North America experienced a process of widespread settlement aggregation. In southern Ontario, Canada, dozens of small villages came together into fewer large, nucleated settlements with populations of up to 1,500 to 2,000 individuals. The formation of these coalescent communities resulted in the development of new forms of social, political and economic organization.


“This book is an important contribution to the literature on settlement aggregation in a cross-cultural context, for which Jennifer Birch and the other contributors should be congratulated.” – Scott G. Ortman, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, in the SAS Bulletin

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