The 1997-2000 archaeological investigations at the Peace Bridge site, carried out on behalf of both the Buffalo and Fort Erie Public Bridge Authority and Public Work Departement of the Town of Fort Erie, resulted in the documentation of 334 post moulds and 295 features, of which 258 were excavated as they could not otherwise be avoided by construction activities. Approximately 16,500 artifacts were recovered from these features and the overlying paleosols. These investigations furnished further evidence of the extensive occupation of the Peace Bridge site over the past 4,000 years. In conformity with all previous research, the earliest data encountered comes from the Late Archaic. Five Narrowpoint Horizon Lamoka projectile points, three Lamoka-like preforms, and one Lamoka gouge were recovered, as discussed, but Broadpoint Horizon (mainly Genesee) use of the site in the centuries immediately following the Nipissing transgression once again emerged as the major component of  the site.
With these investigations served to corroborate some of our earlier conclusions regarding the culture history of the Peace Bridge site, they also contributed significant new information resulting from: 1.) the discovery of a chert mining area; 2.) the acquisition of direct evidence for the location of the Niagara River shoreline at the southeastern end of the site circa 3,800 B.P.; and 3.) the identification of stratified paleosol layers.