ASI and associates to review, update City of London’s Archaeological Master Plan

ASI is excited to announce that we have been awarded the contract for the review and update of the City of London’s Archaeological Master Plan (AMP). The purpose of a municipal AMP is to identify, analyse and establish priorities concerning the conservation of archaeological resources located within the boundaries of the City. As the 11th largest city in Canada, with a deep and impressive pre-contact Indigenous and European settlement history, we are looking forward to helping the City manage its archaeological heritage legacy in the context of significant new growth.

Together with Letourneau Heritage Consulting Inc., Bray Heritage and D.R. Poulton & Associates Inc., ASI will carry out the study recognising the City’s desire to ensure the work is completed with meaningful consultation with local Indigenous communities as well as a broad range of stakeholders and interest groups.

According to the Ontario Ministry for Municipal Affairs and Housing, an AMP can benefit a municipality in the following ways:

  • Providing an integrated approach to archaeological resource identification and protection
  • Providing clear direction to development proponents, eliminating uncertainty or speculation
  • Providing an effective tool that municipal staff can use to screen development
  • Ensuring archaeological resources are assessed, identified and protected
  • Assisting the scheduling and budgeting of mitigation measures to avoid unexpected delays and costs
  • Assisting in the development of a procedural framework for efficient land use decision making
  • Allowing for cultural heritage educational opportunities
  • Linking to other municipal strategic initiatives, such as cultural assets mapping of a municipal culture plan.

For more information, visit Ontario’s guide to Archaeological Management Plans – an integral part of a municipality’s planning and development tools — or contact Dr. Ron Williamson at