
Most archaeologists/cultural heritage specialists can relate to these situations at one time or another. #WeFeelYourPain 

...when you get in the zone.  #ICantMoveMyLegs
…when you get in the zone. #ICantMoveMyLegs
...when the weather network is wrong AGAIN.  #30PercentChance #StormsAComin'
…when the weather network is wrong AGAIN. #30PercentChance #StormsAComin’
...when *this* becomes your signature field look.  #NotTodayTicks #NotToday
…when *this* becomes your signature field look. #NotTodayTicks #NotToday
...when you should have drawn the profile yesterday.  #LetsGoSwimming
…when you should have drawn the profile yesterday. #LetsGoSwimming
...when you're on transit duty all day.  #MyBackHurts #INeedAMassage
…when you’re on transit duty all day. #MyBackHurts #INeedAMassage
...when your field director says its time for a crew photo.  #EverybodyInTheUnit! #YoureOnMyFoot
…when your field director says its time for a crew photo. #EverybodyInTheUnit! #YoureOnMyFoot
...when it's time to pull out the sleeveless shirt to even out your summer field tan.  #GunShow
…when it’s time to pull out the sleeveless shirt to even out your summer field tan. #GunShow









...when you are test pitting in mosquito/black fly paradise.  #NotTheEyes #PassThatDeet
…when you are test pitting in mosquito/black fly paradise. #NotTheEyes #PassThatDeet
... when washing artifacts all day turns your hands into this.  #LabProblems #PrematureAging
… when washing artifacts all day turns your hands into this. #LabProblems #PrematureAging
...when your dog loves maps just as much as you do.  #CleoPleaseLetMeWork
…when your dog loves maps just as much as you do. #CleoPleaseLetMeWork
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…when your screen is the only source of shade on site. #DigsWithWolves #ArchaeologyIsAdorable
...when your job site doubles as a portal to another world.  #CHProblems #GladItsDayTime #Cthulhu
…when your job site doubles as a portal to another world. #CHProblems #GladItsDayTime #Cthulhu
...when your condemned study area no longer meets fire code.  #OutTheWayWeCameIn
…when your condemned study area no longer meets fire code. #OutTheWayWeCameIn
...when you're doing backwoods fieldwork during hunting season.  #SafetyFirst #PleaseDontShoot
…when you’re doing backwoods fieldwork during hunting season. #SafetyFirst #PleaseDontShoot
...when your marine archaeological assessment goes wrong.  #WherestheFish? #ImOnABoat
…when your marine archaeological assessment goes wrong. #WherestheFish? #ImOnABoat
...when an angry pig makes it hard for you to leave.  #CHProblems
…when an angry pig makes it hard for you to leave. #CHProblems
...when you place your coffee too close to the screen.  #SoilLatteToGo
…when you place your coffee too close to the screen. #SoilLatteToGo
...when most of your work involves creepy, dark basements.  #CHProblems #HoldItSteady
…when most of your work involves creepy, dark basements. #CHProblems #HoldItSteady
...when your field season starts in April.  #AprilShowers #WheresTheDrain?
…when your field season starts in April. #AprilShowers #WheresTheDrain?